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The launch of our ReTech Center marks a new chapter for the network of alumni and industrial, scientific, and academic partners of École des Ponts Business School.

Our Vice Dean & COO, Dr. Saman Sarbazvatan, founded this ambitious initiative as a means to channel the collective intelligence of our strong global community of individual experts and leading institutions to collaboratively drive responsible digital innovation and transformation across sectors and industries.

With a forward-compatible design and strategy, ReTech Center is a community-driven multistakeholder platform to enable the forthcoming Digitally Empowered Responsible Businesses, Markets, and Societies.

Rethinking, Restructuring, and Revamping Technology and Digital Transformation to propel Regenerative Innovation toward Industry 5.0 - the Digitally Empowered Responsible Economy.

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ReTech Center Annual Conference - Industry 5.0 DRIFT

Find all the pictures from the last edition here!

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