The Center for Advanced Studies of Enterprise – Development, and Innovation in Emerging Markets (CASE – DIEM) at École des Ponts Business School is a business case development and scholarly research center that focuses on seizing the learning opportunities that emerging markets and developing countries around the world can provide. It aims to spread the knowledge of what is novel, different, emerging, and inspiring.
The Center acts as a repository of cutting-edge research on emerging practices for business professionals and academics looking to learn from private, public and public-private initiatives, emerging practices, and novel trends outside of the well-trodden path of developed countries.
Its focus on the new and novel in emerging markets fulfills a need for providing insight into how companies can thrive in these contexts, and how different actors can play a role in the transition from developing to developed economies, and the different permutations of private, mixed and public sector collaboration that are possible. Case studies focus on emerging practices and implications for practice for decision-makers.
CASE – DIEM aims to establish thought leadership in successful and promising business and management practices by identifying, documenting and showcasing innovative startups, companies, institutions and governments in emerging markets.
CASE – DIEM will be the foremost case study center dedicated to capturing emerging practices in emerging markets from a business perspective. We leverage our growing research footprint, our important alumni and expert networks globally, as well as the wide array of faculty and experts we work with within the business school, our alma mater – the Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, and more broadly with other academic institutions, as well as industrial partners on all continents. We believe that the developed world has a lot to learn from the developing world and we would like to further jugaad and reverse innovation principles, while also helping to spread best emerging practices to those in a position to apply them effectively.
CASE – DIEM is committed to enhancing the understanding of business and management practice in emerging markets across a wide spectrum of stakeholders including decision-makers, scholars, researchers, startups, SMEs, NGOs, multinationals, public agencies, international institutions, local and regional governments, public officials, investors, experts, as well as public and private interests.
CASE – DIEM conducts, publishes, and showcases original case study and survey research, quantitative and qualitative data collection, and data analysis that informs scholarship, practice, decision-making and public policy. CASE – DIEM aims to fill the looming and embarrassing gap on the supply side in business studies — i.e., a marked dearth of emerging markets business and management case studies and research in general, and in the archives of the major case study depositories in developed markets. By promoting our research in the application of ”Open Science” principles, we aim to make our cases available freely to all who may be interested to ensure transparency and inclusiveness.
CASE – DIEM activities will be overseen by the Managing Director, the Senior Editor, and affiliated faculty. The quality of the research output will be assured by a Scientific Committee of Peers and Experts.
CASE – DIEM case studies will be developed in a consistent format, to appeal to a wide range of users, readers, researchers, and writers and enable comparability.
The focus will be on diverse leaders from atypical backgrounds and emerging practices for businesses.
Each Case Study will include the following sections:
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